Think Like A CEO with Gary Keller & Jay Papasan
Each season and episode of Think Like A CEO weaves together timely topics and the lessons Gary Keller and Jay Papasan have learned from the helm of the most innovative company in real estate. The goal: to help each listener get the mindset they need to lead their businesses and others.
Episode IV: Leverage – Get Purposeful with Your People
During a shift, chances are job descriptions within your business will shift as well. In this episode, Gary and Jay talk about getting clear on your business goals so that your budget, model, and org chart are built for success. Knowing your goals and KPIs will help you reveal the right plan for your business, and this includes the people you rely on to help you thrive during tough times.

February 13, 2023
February 6, 2023
January 30, 2023
January 23, 2023
February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021
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The ONE Thing
Discover the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results. Learn how the most successful people in the world approach productivity, time management, business, health and habits with The ONE Thing. A ProduKtive® Podcast.
448. Passion Struck
There’s a difference between living a life that ignites your passion and simply existing. You get to choose which one you want. Our guest today, John R. Miles, is here to teach us the proven tactics to living an intentional life that matters.John is a leading authority on intentional behavior change, personal growth and mattering. He’s a celebrated leader, speaker, entrepreneur, award-winning podcaster, and author of a new book called “Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles To Unlock Your Purpose And Ignite Your Most Intentional Life.”Today we talk about John’s “Psychology of Progress” and the importance of micro choices. We also talk about John’s “Deliberate Action Process” which is: Analysis, prioritization, ignition, execution, measurement, and renewal. We also touch on his concept of “Anxiety Optimizer,” finding the sweet spot of being on the edge without going over the edge.We cover a ton of ground in this episode- buckle up and get ready to learn!If you're a bold risk taker who wants to dream big and achieve a higher level of success in your life or business, visit the1thing.com to learn about our one-on-one coaching, as well as our exclusive community membership program.
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get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next box while your subscription is active!Factor 75
***To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/pods.We talk about:
- John’s Psychology of Progress framework
- The Deliberate Action Process John developed for businesses
- The concept of the Anxiety Optimizer
- Read “Passion Struck”
- Take the Passion Struck Quiz
- Listen to the Passion Struck Podcast
- Learn more at JohnRMiles.com
- Free Resources
- Want to be a guest or share feedback? Email podcast@the1thing.com
first month plus 20% off your next month. That’s code one50 at FactorMeals.com/one50 to
get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next box while your subscription is active!Factor 75

April 15, 2024
March 18, 2024
March 11, 2024
February 26, 2024
February 19, 2024
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